
"But what is good? How do we know what makes something good or evil?"

" Well, my belief is this: If we choose to neglect the force within each and every one of us, if we struggle against the powers that wants us to do the right things, and by that bring us closer to God, then we are evil. Whoever tries to put the world out of  it's devine balance is, in my opinion, evil. However, it is also my opinion that it is the Choice that makes us human - the choice to fight it, or obey it. 

And thats that.

För övrigt anser jag att utan ondska kan inte godhet finnas.

Och tvärtom.

Ska hem alldeles strax...Vill skriva något bra i min blogg, men vad fan - it's just not coming fast enough.

Imorgon: Poker med flickorna. Minus Jonna. Buuuuuu!

Jaja. Det får räcka för idag.

Baj (s)

Postat av: Mickis

Jag hörde av marie theres att bebis hade kommit! Vad kul! Moster nu;) Ha det bra. Kram

2008-04-12 @ 14:15:41

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